Thursday 26 January 2012

So the question begs....

Why continue on with something if you're no longer getting enjoyement out of it ?

When I've finished celebrating Aussie day part two lol that will lead me into a blog... I need to vent

Sunday 25 December 2011

Bah hum bug and all that jazz.....

Well I had high hopes for alot of use for this thing when I first started it up. Unfotunately I found out something along the journey that most (and I do say most) that use these things seem to be full of egotistical self importance. So why bother ? Well one can only suggest it's to make themselves feel better about themselves but who really knows or cares.
Merry Christmas / Happy Holidays and all that jazz...

Monday 18 July 2011

Epiphany... it can happen to the best of us

I've realised I have been doing it all wrong... I've been so concerned with what the right and wrong thing is to do with "people" and community... I've stopped doing this for the one person I was suppose to be doing it for ..... ME !!!

lets start by writing out the bio:-

I'm not a timelord but due to a genetic experiment that went incredibly wrong when my parents who were stoner hippy mad scientists tried to cross breed a Gallifreyan dolphin with an outdated can of spam, an empty Jim Beam can and what is best described by some as the left boot of a intersellar yoyo salesman that has stepped in and on all things ever created... out of it came me !!  Can change form, sex and look at a minutes notice so be warned. So after searching out the Timelord race to possibly find some sense of identity only to find they had become arrogant and bitter or some just copied alot of sh*t... I set out on my travels only to be sucked into a hole in someones undies and spent several years stuck on 20th century earth picking up alot of their traits and drinking habits... after stealing a TTC from somewhere known as the BBC sound stage I found myself stuck in the SL space-time continuum ... until I find some sense of self or a god damn way out.... or maybe just a really hot cup of tea....

this is my life....

my second life....

so.. thats a start.. left a few "groups" I really didn't want to be part of anyway....

Me FTW !!!!

lets see where we go from here shall we ?

Monday 20 June 2011

Life if thats what you call it....

You know as polite and as nice and as much as I try and hold my tounge in Second Life (obviously in a keyboard/typing type way), in some part of the Who "community" there are some of the rudest most arrogant mudder duckers I've had the displeasure of ... well i guess not meeting in my life :) either of them !!. Seriously they wonder why new people flock in droves to that "other" place... well when your ignorant... rude... etc.. what do you bloody expect ??? Brainless twats they seriously need a good old fashion reality check but unfotunately SL is anything but reality. Oh well when it all comes crashing down I won't be there to say I told you so.... but I did... for the record :)

Steampunking.... in the Whoverse.....

Steampunk comes to Second Life and Who Island in a big way !!!! check it out !!!

Friday 17 June 2011

Friday 10 June 2011

and so it goes...

There comes a time in your life, when you walk away from all the drama and people who create it. You surround yourself with people who make you laugh. Forget the bad, and
focus on the good. Love the people who treat you right, pray for the ones who
don't. Life is too short to be anything but happy. Falling down is a part of
life, getting back up is living.